Friday, December 31, 2021

#25 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

The Music

I hear the music.

It comes in the night in a remembered tune.

It comes in the morning on my husband's greeting.

It comes near a stream as the water flows over stones.

It comes on a beach as the waves encompass my toes.

It comes softly as it flows from the loving eyes of my pup.

It comes through birdsong and squirrel chatter;

Through child laughter and friend texts.

It comes in a vision of my granddaughter, standing in an endless sunrise.

Cheery, peaceful, sad, comes with each day's moments.

It comes when I remember to have ears to hear.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

#24 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

 I wrote this poem in a week when two musician friends went to heaven. There are few things that bring me more joy than playing music with friends. Writing this with Holy Spirit comforted me. I pray it brings comfort to some of you, my readers. Love to all.

For The Minstrel

Broken heart
Broken dream
Thrown apart
Ceasing being.
Death can’t win
Heart! Stand up now!
Your friend cries not
His heart now bows
Before the One
That he has loved
Veil removed
He’s now above.
Above the pain
The strength that failed
Today he conquers
His dream prevailed
He sees His Lord
His friend, His God
And oh how good
As Glory nods
To him, the one
Whose faith was strong
Is now given
A brand new song.