Wednesday, January 4, 2023

How To Survive 2023

I'm a survivor. From where I sit in my kitchen on this cloudy Texas day, I feel peace.

2022 was good to me. 2023 will also be good to me.

This because I choose to see life through a filter of light instead of a filter of dark.

My friend, Donna, challenged my thinking 40 years ago when she suggested we have the ability to create our own reality.

What? Yes!

This is how I do it.

When I find myself thinking darkly, I try to catch it and ask "what is the good in what is happening now?" I find answers and pitch my tent among those thoughts.

I choose how I process. Light is my reality. Goodness chases me. I can apply light to every circumstance and receive creative ideas, solutions, or survival tactics. I can give God my worries, fears, and problems, and receive higher truth about what's happening.

This takes daily practice and I'm still learning. But it works for me. I daily save myself from myself. Wrong dark thinking hurts my heart. Right light thinking helps me soar.
I hope this helps someone.

(Rick gave me an acrylic painting set for Christmas. Here is a painting I made for a friend. I'm not a great artist, but I love to play with color and paint - especially with grandkids.)