They make me want to bloom and to have a happy heart.
They make me want to believe the best about my life and my world.
They give me hope.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 - Let joy be your continual feast.
They make me want to bloom and to have a happy heart.
They make me want to believe the best about my life and my world.
They give me hope.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 - Let joy be your continual feast.
Has God ever asked you to begin a season of rest? I felt Him nudging me that way this past Spring. I had been busy with editing, coaching, and ministry for several months without much time for me; or Him.
That rest time opened up in June and has not ended yet. I find myself sometimes feeling lazy, as if that's wrong. Several times I returned to my old habit of filling up space with busy work; or planning to teach classes; or planning a new book.Each time, God sent me clear messages through the Bible, through my husband, through friends, and dreams. He was saying "What are you doing? Do you not trust me to provide? Do you not trust me to give you your next assignment? It shook me up a bit every time that happened. He has my attention.
The season ahead seems to be brand new. A blank slate. I'm resting up for what I have said "yes" to, though I don't know what that is.
I do know I can trust it's going to be in line with the passions of my heart. He's so good!
That picture above is my Daisy girl. She models rest very well.
Psalm 127:2 - God can provide for his lovers even while they sleep! (TPT)