Saturday, May 2, 2020

Identity Check

About 18 months ago, I was gearing up to start the  planning of my next big event. We'd been putting on the Beautiful Smart Lady Summits in Colorado for seven years and I was excited for the next one.

But something didn't feel right.

When God asked me to take a break for the year and be still - I gasped. We had just moved to Texas, and He thought I needed rest and family for awhile. I was thankful to Him and trusting He knew best. But in the time that followed, I realized my identity had become attached to my ministry work. Here is where I felt validation. Here is where I felt important. Who was I apart from it?

Even when what I do is good, right, and helps can't become who I am. So, I've been auto-correcting during this sabbatical with Papa.

As a result of "time out," I've learned all about living inside the grace of one day; and listening for His voice and doing what He says. 

I don't always succeed in this. But I can say that because I took that time, I have drawn closer to the Lover of my soul.

My true sole and soul identity is simple: I'm His beloved daughter who is listening and fulfilling the ideas that come from His mind by using the gifts He's given me. He's in everything!


Matthew 28:20 - "I am with you always; even to the end of the age." 

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