The multitude of bird songs felt like a cacophony of love.
When I tuned in to one special bird above me perched in a dead tree, I counted at least eight different trills.
That was what was so different this time. I actually quieted down enough to think about counting the trills of a mockingbird.
The peace and joy his songs carried assured me things would turn out okay for us...for all of us.
That bird had no idea how his presence blessed me and changed me - probably forever.
I want to be like that bird...where my "songs" of life can bring joy and peace to others.
God is so kind to send me a songbird to bless my solitude.
Psalm 104:12-13 - The birds build nests near the tranquil streams, chirping their joyous songs from the branches above. From your kindness you send the rain to water the mountains from the upper rooms of your palace. Your goodness brings forth fruit for all to enjoy. (TPT)
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