Friday, August 25, 2017

"The Kindest Person I Know"

Do you know that God is ready to pour out his blessings and purposes if we might just listen to him? He wants to bless us. He's waiting to bless us. He will even bless us through the hard things in our life. He is good. He loves us completely. He is with us even if we never wanted him to be. He is our Creator. Our Father. Our kind Papa. Graham Cooke calls him "the kindest person I know." I'm starting to know him like that. It's taken a lifetime for me to be so bold as to tell you how I feel - really feel - about Jesus. I pray it won't take you that long to connect with that true, beautiful, friendship. He's waiting for you with open arms today. He's coming after you in the mire of your life and circumstances. He's ready to hose off the mud, cook you a nourishing meal, even embrace your corny stories. He's there for every moment. He's the best of friends and the most generous of fathers. His love is overwhelming yet not obnoxious or demanding. It's worth our lives - and yet he doesn't even ask for our life for himself, for when we give it to him, he gives it right back to us - only this time with purpose and resource and hope and more freedom than we can imagine.

"If my people would but listen to quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." Psalm 81:13-16

How have you experienced God in your life?

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