Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Life doesn't wait till pandemics are over, the election is decided, or the crisis of the moment is solved. It just keeps going. The good thing about this season is, I have slowed enough to feel the wind of progress blowing softy against my face. I am taking the time to seek wisdom, counsel, and to make good decisions. There is a clarity in the atmosphere despite the smoke and fear and anxiety that seems to be trying to take us out at any moment.

I keep hearing the words "think higher." "Think outside the box." "See from the perspective of the Throne Room of God." "Say yes and see what happens." "New opportunities are here." "Step in, step forward, trust God."

When I turn off the news and tune into God, I hear a different story. It may not be clear. He hasn't shown me what's ahead. But there is an assurance of promises kept because that is who He is! He has great things ahead for this nation if we will only watch for Him in anticipation and trust.

This is an exciting time if we position our hearts to see it.

"Keep looking up...that's the secret of life." Snoopy

Chris Tracy is author of Tapestry: The Divine Design for Your Life; and The Art of Writing - An Intimate Devotional for Writers.
Find my books and more at www.christinetracy.com and Amazon

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