Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What's Good About 2020?

I've always been one who tries to see the good in situations that appear not-so-good. I do this because I feel like all things can be redeemed, restored, and renewed.

So what do I see in 2020?

I see an amazing passion among people to stand up for what they believe.

I see people sincerely looking for truth and honesty.

I see a new breed of people that see value and promise in personal experience in business and life.

I see people earnestly seeking to step into their calling and equipping themselves through so much available right now online.

I see a beautiful country that is beloved by its citizens who are ready to fight for it.

I see people taking a stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - even if it means they are having to change and overrule the dogma that has deceived them.

I see a fierce and beautiful independence, coupled with compassion, love, and sacrifice.

I see children becoming aware there is so much to our freedom.

I see the people of God - the bride of Christ - armed with prayer, worship, and hope as they navigate the current climate.

I see the Church stepping out of the walls and into the streets of life - 24 / 7 - and understanding and exercising the power of love and kindness.

If you don't see this yet, start watching for it. It is an amazing time to be alive.

With love (and kindness) to all.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Hunger vs. Satisfaction

Every morning, my husband, Rick, and I have coffee, read, and converse about what we're learning. We study in our little reading nook while cuddling with our aussie-doodle Daisy, just enjoying the early hours. I love these times. Anne of Green Gables calls mornings "a new day with no mistakes in it."                                 I want to talk about this hunger we have to learn. We weren't always like this. Before, we wanted satisfaction; contentment; and peace. But this kind of hunger we have is for a God who has built that hunger into us himself. It seeks truth, creativity, hope, and adventure. There are no negatives in this type of hunger. This is not striving for something unreachable. It is not the hunger of poverty. What it is is a reveling in the presence of a Person we love - and we just always want more.

Psalm 84:2 - "Deep within me are these lovesick longings,

desires and daydreams of living in union with you.
When I’m near you my heart and my soul
will sing and worship with my joyful songs of you,
my true source and spring of life!"

Ecclesiastes 3:11 - "He has also set eternity in the human heart."

Stir up your own hunger for God! My book, "Tapestry, the Divine Design for Your Life" will help you. Available on Amazon in print and Kindle.