Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Poem 6 of 30 by Christine Tracy

Truth that Overcomes

I sit in a tree top

Looking upon life

My life

Wondering about 

The little girl

Who daydreamed.

Of faraway places


and adventures

Safely in the hands of

Family and a Papa she knew

But couldn't see.

"Too sensitive" she was labeled.

"Perfectionist" she was called.

"I wonder where she goes?" 

Said her teacher, frustrated,

Failing to capture her attention in class.

And then, the girl's heart changed,

And she believed the lies.

She would never reach her goal, her dream.

She would fail. Never be quite good enough.

But God.

Now she knows truth.

Her failures led to regrouping, restarting.

Perfectionism led nowhere.

But, instead, the word "excellence" 

Meant her efforts were enough.

Did she do the best she knew how?


She did her best - far from perfect.

And that was enough.

That was excellent.

She was enough.

Learning to love herself still.

Will she ever arrive?

Doubts! Unworthiness! No! Go!

Her Father calls her "beloved daughter."

He sees her gold - what He placed in her.

His promises come true in the waiting.

He works ALL for her greater good.

She can rest - yet unknowing - in that.

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