Saturday, November 27, 2021

#23 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

Second Chances

I have been:

Struck by lightning

Knocked down by a pit bull

Stared down by a bear

Stalked by a mountain lion

Strangled by anaphylaxis

Crushed by bankruptcy.

I have survived:

A catastrophic car crash

Extremely dumb decisions

Painful falls

And dashed dreams.

Yet somewhere in there:

I found beautiful, wonderful


Like love, family,

Friendship, and adventure.

I learned: 

The value of life

The wonder of the second chance

I discovered risk often works out

And I realized I must be here

For a reason.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE IT. God's deliverance is in everything. Not always the obvious. Your poem used all the crayons in the box, reminding me that even the brown one has purpose. Actually, don't flowers grow in dirt?