Saturday, June 30, 2018

Dream Those Old Dreams Again!

It's the last day of the month - the end of something and the beginning of something new - the second half of the year. God is bringing to mind old dreams that you are starting to dream about again. What are they? Write them down. Ask God what He’s thinking about it and about you; then write those down, too.

Do you wonder how to start writing these things? If so, just simply start a letter - "Dear God," then write your heart and listen for His words in your imagination. He has given you your imagination as a place where you can communicate with HIs brilliance!

Philippians 2:1 - Look at how much encouragement you've found in your relationship with the Anointed One! You are filled to overflowing with his comforting love. You have experienced a deepening friendship with the Holy Spirit and have felt his tender affection and mercy.

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 30 - Your Tapestry Will Help Someone

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 30 - Your Tapestry Will Help Someone: Just as a tapestry is made more beautiful because of its contrasting colors and textures, so our life is more beautiful as we ...

Friday, June 29, 2018

Write the Dream!

The Bible has a lot to say to writers and dreamers. “Write it down,” it says. Write what? Write your dreams; intentionally plan how you will meet your goals and dreams; write the desires of your heart; journal your prayers and brilliant thoughts. There is something in the process of writing it down (or texting, typing, and voice recording) that activates something supernatural that will propel you to seeing your dreams, plans, and prayers become reality. 

Habakkuk 2:2-3 - And then God answered: "Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. It aches for the coming - it can hardly wait! And it doesn't lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It's on its way. It will come right on time. (The Message)

Photo: I wrote down my dream that I would meet Paul Young (Author of The Shack) and invite him to Colorado to speak at a writers conference and our Beautiful Smart Lady Summit. God made that happen in some miraculous ways! He also gave me the dreams of starting conferences and businesses. They were His dreams first. What a great partner!

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 29 - Get 'Er Done!

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 29 - Get 'Er Done!: Our southpaw and future Rockies catcher ready for a foul ball at Coors Field. What is it you have always wanted to do? To lear...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Hi God! Let's Play!

Today, I feel like God simply wants you to know He loves you. You make Him happy, He is so proud of you. He delights in your dreams. He revels in your passions for life. He loves the way you love. He likes you. He thinks you are beautiful and handsome. He loves to be with you and do what you're doing!

Psalm 36:7 - O God, how extravagant is your cherishing love! All mankind can find a hiding place under the shadow of your wings.

Painting: My granddaughter, Mesa, and I love painting together! 
Even though she is in Texas and I'm in Colorado, we sometimes paint together at the same time, then take pictures of our paintings and message them to each other. Oh the wonders of technology! Here she painted crosses with an Olaf sticker! Joy, joy, joy!

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 28 - Visit Your Power Place!

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 28 - Visit Your Power Place!: There are physical places on earth that have power for us. As a writer, I feel more creative in certain coffee shops, book shops, an...

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Inside of Extreme Loving-Kindness

A six-month-old Daisy pup is like a 3-year-old toddler. Life is all about her. Affectionate, funny, misbehaving, plays hard, sleeps harder and looks so cute you don’t get much done because of all the cuddles. I learned this week that she actually likes the discipline of knowing her boundaries. She’s happier, more settled, and has surrendered her job of barking at everything that moves - to me. Could it be that I’m that way, too? Happier within a system that brings freedom to just be me and not feel I have to “do” but just “be”? God’s discipline of me has been inside of extreme loving-kindness that sets the boundaries of my own love and calling.
Psalm 143:8 - Let the dawning day bring me revelation of your tender, unfailing love. Give me light for my path and teach me, for I trust in you.

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 27 - His Sun Shines Upon All

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 27 - His Sun Shines Upon All: He says to me: "It's going to be okay!" As a mountain girl now living in a big city, I have been encountered twice by peop...

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

My Interview with One of My Heroes - Wm. Paul Young - Author of "The Shack"

I was so excited to interview Wm. Paul Young recently - the author of "The Shack" (23 million best seller!!!) Here he talks to writers and, really, everyone, about our human experience and the difference love and wholeness make. I love the way he thinks. Please listen. He is truly a gift to your heart! With love from me!

Problem Solving Wisdom Right Here

I was fretting the other day, wondering if my puppy, Daisy, would ever be accepted into society with her bad habits. I had tried and tried to train her to no avail. Barking at the squirrels and dogs and people and bushes and chickens was definitely her self proclaimed job and nothing was going to deter that. That is until someone mentioned a spray water bottle. Simple. Free. Easy. Two days in and her bad habits are 80 percent gone. Why hadn’t any trainers I researched mentioned it? Life is like that sometimes. The solutions are way easier and less expensive than we think if we just take the time to listen for them.
Mark 4:9, Jame 1:5

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 26 - No Greater

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 26 - No Greater:  “Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel…” – the music and beautiful voice of James Taylor echoed fro...

Monday, June 25, 2018

Bullfrog Blessings

As I sat at a small lake near my home, I heard a strange honking sound coming from the water. I couldn’t find the source, but I believe it was a bullfrog. His greeting to me was so welcome. How I love that I took the time to sit on a rock to listen and just be. What a gift that little guy gave me. In the midst of a busy city, traffic, people, work, and busyness, that small moment gifted me a quiet memory of God’s perfect creation that speaks to us from everywhere if we will only listen.
1 Kings 19: 11-13, Romans 1:20
(Yes it WAS a bullfrog! Listen!)

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 25 - Forward Momentum

Crisp Mountain Air - By Chris Tracy: June 25 - Forward Momentum: Days pass and with them, time marches on in our lives toward purpose, life changes, education, new relationships. You are sens...