God is surrounding you with His protection today!
Psalm 91:4 - His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm. (The Passion Translation)
So many of us have had in our past someone who put us down, made us feel less than and unimportant. We felt shameful, inadequate and unlovable. We believed the lies told us by someone who was really just scared of our potential; jealous of who we might become. They wanted to feel superior and did not know how to do that without making us feel inferior.
Now, for a moment, imagine Father God gazing into your eyes and telling you that "You are so perfect. I created you. I did not make mistakes. You are exactly as I imagined you and you have all promise and potential to become all I created you to be." So who are you going to believe? Please choose the Creator of the Universe. Your Creator. You are indeed PERFECT!
Today, Papa is giving you new revelation of your identity.
Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you...."
God speaks to us in so many ways. He knows I can't see in the realm of the spirit He abides in...so he teaches me through the natural things I see like my roses - so beautiful in their prime, then fading, then regenerating with new beauty in another bloom. My life is like that. There may be days that feel faded and where hope is waning - but then there is always a new day; a new experience; a new dream; a new promise; a new understanding of His love. He is such a kind Father. Every time I sense His goodness lately, I get tears - and yes, they are like the dew on the rose petals; and they are fragrant to Him.
Today - God will speak to you through what is natural for you - and you will hear and understand.
"The one whom God has sent to represent Him will speak the Words of God, for God has poured out upon Him the fullness of the Holy Spirit without limitation." John 3:34 - The Passion Translation.