Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Far Side of the Moon?

Do you feel like we're about to go around the dark side of the moon?

Remember when we used to send astronauts to orbit the moon? There was a time on the back side where we couldn't communicate with the ship. We had to wait hours before we knew the astronauts were safe; when they could again communicate with Mission Control.

That's how this pandemic seems right now. No one knows for sure what might happen.

Well, I'm going to break that sense of fear in my home and on my blog.

I declare by God's mighty hand of protection we will be alright - physically and economically - and as a people we'll be ready to rebuild and reconnect.

I declare this time in isolation is more about inspiration - for creativity; for strategic ideas; for improved relationships; for being thankful; and for appreciating what we have, realizing what is most important.

I declare this buffoon of a pandemic will quickly blow itself out and that history will show our fears were unwarranted. 

I pray and I declare we will be a nation of celebrators as we rejoice together that we missed a bullet and we learned a lot.

Does this sound crazy? Honestly, I would rather live in expectation of good than dread of bad. It's healthier. It works. Join me?

A word from Bethel Church senior leader Bill Johnson:

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