Stop it!
There is a Father in Heaven that loves you and cares for you. He is good and He is reaching out for you. How do you know He's there? Ask Him. Look for His love in others. Look at Creation around you. You have significance as His daughter or son. Period. Right now, spend some time experiencing that love. Let go of the lies you believe about God and yourself. Ask Him to reveal His truth. He will.
Ephesians 1:4-6 - And He chose us to be His very own, joining us to Himself even before He laid the foundation of the universe! Because of His great love, He ordained us as one with Christ from the beginning, so that we would be seen as holy in His eyes with an unstained innocence. For it was always in His perfect plan to adopt us as His delightful children, so that His tremendous grace that cascades over us would bring Him glory - for the same love He has for His Beloved One, Jesus, He has for us! (The Passion Translation - Brian Simmons)
What truth has God revealed to you today?
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