1 - Are you or are you close to living your dream?
2 - How did you discover your dream?
3 - What were your first steps - or how did you begin to walk out your dream?
4 - What dream are you working on now?
You can answer in the comments below, or email me at chris@christinetracy.com.
Answer whenever you read this, be it today or in the future!
Thank you for your help!
"I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down." Abraham Lincoln
"God had a dream and wrapped your body around it." Lou Engle
I'm following my dream, and it's not easy! For some reason we often think it might be.
God showed me my dream little by little. Sometimes, He gives us the whole big picture, but often in my experience, just little fragments and make sense when pieced together.
My first steps were doing things that "my natural self" can't do!
Now, I'm working on my "Honey for Your Soul" dream.
Thank you Chris! Hope this helps :)!
Thank you, Victoria. We declare your dream in every way will not only bless so many, but bring you great peace and joy!!!!
Todd and I were just talking two nights ago about what it looks like to make some changes in my work schedule so that I can pursue my true passions and give more time to my dreams. I have been exploring over the past couple of years exactly what those are, and now it seems like it's time to take a bigger step towards them. I'm currently working on writing a book, have 2 children's books written, but need illustrations, and I have an art show coming up in December. I rediscovered what my dreams are by the constant support of a loving husband who has asked me time and time again what it is that I want to do and what is it that God has made you to do? He knows he was put on this earth to be outrageously generous. That's his dream. It's just who he is, and he's been such a huge part in me asking myself the question, "What was I made to do?" Writing and being creative have always been like second nature to me. Getting to the place that I know that as true has been a process of discovery and overcoming some fears, like what if I don't measure up to what I believe is possible? But it's gotten to the point where the need to be who I've been made to be, a writer and an artist, now outweighs those fears. The desire to find out is greater than the fear. YEY! So, am I close to living my dream? I would say so - or at least a lot closer than I was even a couple of years earlier! In the near future I'll be going down to part time at my daytime job so that I can spend more of my time on the things I really want to do! I hope this has helped your research! Blessing Chris!
*and what is it that God has made me to do?
Rebecca - it is so good to hear from you! I'm glad you are intentionally going after your dreams and that you have such a wonderful husband who champions who you are. I can't wait to see what God is going to do! Love you! Love what you wrote: "But it's gotten to the point where the need to be who I've been made to be, a writer and an artist, now outweighs those fears." Yay!
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