Though grateful, at first I felt ashamed. I really hated to accept the help. But then I realized that if I didn't receive the help, I would be depriving the givers their blessing from God.
So what may have looked like a weakness in my life - ended up being a blessing in someone else's life.
The generosity on the part of friends was rewarded with a release to them of the abundance of heaven - financially and spiritually.
Someone needs to read this today. God is so good! And kind! I have been humbled many times in my life - and I am thankful for that.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 - God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. (The Message)
Acts 20:35 - "Giving brings a far greater blessing than receiving." (The Passion Translation)
Art by my friend, Gary Rowell.
Find out more about Chris and her writing, teaching, books, and author coaching at www.christinetracy.com.