Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Happy Gauge

When you move a lot, you tend to have an array of emotions, tempered by a wisdom to know that time will help as you try to find community and happiness in every new place.

We have lived in Texas now for one year - having left our beautiful and beloved Colorado with hearts for new adventure and family.

The first time I came to Colorado as a young woman, I knew it was "home." But as the years went by, I realized those feelings of settling and happiness can come from even deeper places than what we see, smell, taste, and feel.

Happy comes from within even when things don't look great in our lives. It is a place that trusts the strength of God, and the new beginnings of each day. It finds itself in the hug of a child and the devotion of a dog; the gratefulness for a car that works and a home that warms. Happy can be found in the community at the local coffee shop or the new church. Happy is always the heart of family doing life together. And no matter where you live, you can find happy if you look for beauty in creation. Change, progress, and answered prayers keep the happy gauge rising as you realize that "yes," God is in this adventure with you.

So...I'm happy to report my happy gauge is at an all-time high in my new home of Brownwood, Texas. Who would have thought????

Psalm 16:9 - My heart and soul explode with joy - full of glory! Even my body will rest confident and secure.

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