Sunday, July 16, 2023

Build or Be? Take off. Part 1

You’ve taken all the classes. Read all the books. Even gotten certified in something or have a degree on a diploma on your wall. Yet you feel unqualified; like you have to take more classes and learn much more.

I was that way. It took years to believe I was a writer even though I was a reporter for a newspaper and had a journalism degree.

When I finally decided to start calling myself a writer. It was hard. But I had to become what I already was.

When will the right time be for you?

Are you going to keep building it or begin living it?

If not now when?

If not you, who?

Is it time to step out and just be and do your dream?

I will answer for you. "Yes, it's time!" Have fun!

Find Chris Tracy's books on Amazon.

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