Friday, December 31, 2021

#25 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

The Music

I hear the music.

It comes in the night in a remembered tune.

It comes in the morning on my husband's greeting.

It comes near a stream as the water flows over stones.

It comes on a beach as the waves encompass my toes.

It comes softly as it flows from the loving eyes of my pup.

It comes through birdsong and squirrel chatter;

Through child laughter and friend texts.

It comes in a vision of my granddaughter, standing in an endless sunrise.

Cheery, peaceful, sad, comes with each day's moments.

It comes when I remember to have ears to hear.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

#24 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

 I wrote this poem in a week when two musician friends went to heaven. There are few things that bring me more joy than playing music with friends. Writing this with Holy Spirit comforted me. I pray it brings comfort to some of you, my readers. Love to all.

For The Minstrel

Broken heart
Broken dream
Thrown apart
Ceasing being.
Death can’t win
Heart! Stand up now!
Your friend cries not
His heart now bows
Before the One
That he has loved
Veil removed
He’s now above.
Above the pain
The strength that failed
Today he conquers
His dream prevailed
He sees His Lord
His friend, His God
And oh how good
As Glory nods
To him, the one
Whose faith was strong
Is now given
A brand new song.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Saturday, November 27, 2021

#23 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

Second Chances

I have been:

Struck by lightning

Knocked down by a pit bull

Stared down by a bear

Stalked by a mountain lion

Strangled by anaphylaxis

Crushed by bankruptcy.

I have survived:

A catastrophic car crash

Extremely dumb decisions

Painful falls

And dashed dreams.

Yet somewhere in there:

I found beautiful, wonderful


Like love, family,

Friendship, and adventure.

I learned: 

The value of life

The wonder of the second chance

I discovered risk often works out

And I realized I must be here

For a reason.

Monday, November 15, 2021

#22 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


The Art of Friendship

You're there

When I hurt

When I fall

When I win.

You tell me you're proud

When I have a victory

And you're there with a shoulder

When I don't.

With you I can be


And you can be


One who bares their heart

And allows you to bare your's;

That kind of friend

Is golden.

That kind

Takes time to nurture,

Takes trust and

Humble honesty.

Are you my friend?

Do you have a moment?

To hear me laugh? Cry?

Will you share your heart with me?

Can we play? Have coffee?

Talk across the miles?

Hang out across eternity?

Sunday, October 31, 2021

#21 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


The Gift of His Presence

Let your presence

Tangible presence

Draw your children

To come and

Sit within your embrace.

To just be still under the comforting

weight of

Your spirit,

Your heart,

Your purpose.

Come and be among us.

Let us witness a glory

Beyond all glories.

Your Spirit

With us...with me.

I want to breathe your breath,

Be warmed by your light,

Follow your gaze,

Feel your heartbeat, and

Revel in your joy.

No talking required.

Just being.

I just have to share this song sung by Brandon Lake.

I have seen miracles. There is no turning back for me.

He really is "Too Good to Not Believe."

Monday, October 18, 2021

#20 of 30 poems by Christine Tracy


So many forms

One Source

So much joy

One Creator

So much color

One Artist

So much love

One big Heart

So much hope

One generous Giver

Intimate communion

One Soul Connection

Three in One

Plus me.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

#19 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


The Soar Song

You are the wind in my hair
My breath, my air.
So sweet in song
So wonderful, strong.
I look to find
A dove, a bird
Beyond my vision
Outside my words.
Faith, how does it
Know the truth?
To touch what can't be;
To sense such love?
So I soar again
Abandoned, free;
Ever higher
Just you, with me.
Connected brother
Sweet as a friend
You in me
So large; no end.
Faith, how does it
Know the truth?
To touch what can't be
To sense such love?

Monday, October 4, 2021

#18 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


A quiet hush of
sage and earth;
Fragrant in subtle beauty.
Amid leaves of fluttering freshness
under blue sky.
I look;
Look for a sign.
Peering over the meadow;
I just happen to
glance down.
There it is!
His love is always with me.

#17 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


I tried. As a child

I tried so hard to pay attention;

to be perfect.

I was labeled "spacey."

My teachers scorned it.

My parents tried to "help" me.

Still, my thoughts wandered to

Somewhere quiet;

Out playing in the snow;

Or at the beach.

Shy. Stuttering. Different.

I was ashamed of being someone

I thought was not enough.

But now that I know how God created me

and what He created me for,

I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.

Daydreams aren't “spacey.”

They are higher dreams than others’ might have because

He dreams with me. He loves the way He made me.

Take me away, Lord, where YOU want.

To other lands, quiet places, and beautiful sights.

Where else would I ever want to be?

Sunday, August 22, 2021

#16 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

Bottled Joy

If I could bottle
The fresh scent of
Aspen in the Fall,
Pine in Winter,
Sagebrush in Spring;
Add a bit of
Blue sky,
And Summer rain;
With a few
Wild roses,
And a cup of
Cool mountain air;
And if I could 
Keep this with me
I might get to be
A famous author,
Or poet,
Or artist,
Or musician;
Or simply
A better me.

Friday, August 6, 2021

#15 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

Marjorie Grace Melander Krohn

Fierce Grace

She was full of grace

Even her middle name shouted "Grace!"

Charm was her friend, elegance her teacher

Beautiful to the bone, she fashioned the atmosphere

Home, clothes, family

Full of humor borne of great tragedy

She laughed at life; looked misery squarely in the face

And said "No not me. You won't get me."

"Mind over matter" was her mantra

She taught her children to keep their chin up

Be their own person

Explore creativity

And embrace true friendship.

She was a woman who rose up

Fierce in her desire

To conquer anyone or anything that would conquer her.

I see her in my daughters. I feel her in me.

I'm so thankful for this woman who birthed me

And modeled for me a way to face life.

Friday, July 30, 2021

#14 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

Thankful Overcoming

When things aren't going

According to plan

And darkness is looming

I think of

Who I am

I am thankful, healthy and loved.

And grateful for what I have:

A wonderful family

A nice home

Work I love

A cozy bed

Freedom to be

Heart friends

Good books!

Wondrous music

Lovely heirlooms

Sweet memories

And a great life.

Friends...can you

Recite this poem

About you, too?

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Poem #13 of 30 by Christine Tracy


It's one thing to:


And do

And love

And see

And feel...

But what if we could:

Be more,

Do better,

Love deeper,

See more clearly,

And feel stronger?

What if?

(Photo of my grandpuppy, Duke)

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Poem #12 of 30 by Christine Tracy

The Grand Embrace

In the quiet of thankfulness:

I overcome





Broken dreams


I welcome








The grand Embrace

That hug

That keeps me safe

And fulfilled

Content in His life.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Poem #11 of 30 by Christine Tracy

Is It True?

Can we talk to him?

Does he listen?

Will he answer?

Does he care?

Is he with me?

Is he really a dad?

Does he really have a plan for me?

Will he protect me?

Can he?

Is he really real?

Am I really loved?

And cherished?

Am I able to love what I can't see?

Do I have a purpose?

Do I receive gifts?

Am I significant?

Can I make a difference?

Is he in me?

Am I in him?

Can miracles still happen?

Is he still working?

Am I really known?

Can this all be true?

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Poem #10 of 30 by Christine Tracy

Curve Balls

Sometimes life throws

Curve balls

Out of nowhere

We're side-swiped



Maybe delighted.

The suddenlies of life

Catch us unprepared

How can we really prepare?

When we don't know what

We don't know?

I'm thankful that there is

One who does know.

All I need to do is trust.

And enter the peace

That passes understanding

It's there if I remember.

It's even there if I don't remember.


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Poem #9 of 30 by Christine Tracy

 Seen and Known

When days aren't great

And rains fall

And winds blow

And pain is strong

And fear takes hold

When love is tested

And loved ones hurt

And I'm not rested

And words fail.

There is still a trusted

Person I see

In my mind's eye.

Who sees me.

He really sees me.

And I know I am safe

Even in the rough

And the black and white

And the seemingly real

In times I have to act

When it feels so lonely

Still hope invades

And I recognize beauty

Once again

 I move forward

And am brave

Because I'm known

And loved.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Poem 8 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy



I have seen:

The glistening of fresh powder snow

in the sun rays of a bluebird sky.

I have seen:

The colors of Spring blanketing

the winter worn land.

I have seen:

A moonless summer night

lit by the colors of the Milky Way.

I have seen:

A fall of brilliant gold-covered mountains;

white-trunked aspen

shining like the sun.

These fresh air glimpses.

These things that

touch my heart and make it glad;

these beauties of nature that cannot be

adequately described, but only felt, smelled,

heard, and loved beyond words.

Could these be?

Could these be glimpses?

Glimpses of Heaven?

Evidences of a creative, joyful, God

who loves to love us through His Creation?

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Poem 7 of 30 by Christine Tracy


When Things Go Awry

When things go awry,

Look to the hills;

When plans go South,

Take a step North;

When dreams break,

Lean into hope;

When reality looks fake,

Go find new truth.

It's there.

Just take the hand of

The one who made you;

Who keeps creating

Keeps releasing


In all, through all, because of all


Step forward.

Look up.

This one loves you

And knows the way.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Poem 6 of 30 by Christine Tracy

Truth that Overcomes

I sit in a tree top

Looking upon life

My life

Wondering about 

The little girl

Who daydreamed.

Of faraway places


and adventures

Safely in the hands of

Family and a Papa she knew

But couldn't see.

"Too sensitive" she was labeled.

"Perfectionist" she was called.

"I wonder where she goes?" 

Said her teacher, frustrated,

Failing to capture her attention in class.

And then, the girl's heart changed,

And she believed the lies.

She would never reach her goal, her dream.

She would fail. Never be quite good enough.

But God.

Now she knows truth.

Her failures led to regrouping, restarting.

Perfectionism led nowhere.

But, instead, the word "excellence" 

Meant her efforts were enough.

Did she do the best she knew how?


She did her best - far from perfect.

And that was enough.

That was excellent.

She was enough.

Learning to love herself still.

Will she ever arrive?

Doubts! Unworthiness! No! Go!

Her Father calls her "beloved daughter."

He sees her gold - what He placed in her.

His promises come true in the waiting.

He works ALL for her greater good.

She can rest - yet unknowing - in that.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Poem 5 of 30 by Christine Tracy



In the grand scheme
there is nothing
quite as pure,
as holy,
as personal,
as sweet,
as nurturing,
as joyful,
as dear,
and as precious, as
the gift
of a
true friendship.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Poem 4 of 30 by Christine Tracy

Home Again

A new place

A new life



Far away

New old place


Emerging garden

Feeling displaced.

Longing for a place 

That's no longer home.

Hurting heart softens

And lets beauty emerge.

If I look

There it is.


New possibilities

Bountiful joy

Merge into something equally

Beautiful as before.


Home again.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Poem 3 of 30 by Christine Tracy

Erin Ann

Waking today

At the exact time

I gave birth to my first

40 years ago.



Maybe not.

Looking back

Somehow a circle has been completed.

And wholeness is released.

The birth of a new season.

Propelled by the love and pride

I have gleaned from being in the presence

Of a wisdom that came through me

But is not me.

She now teaches me.

A daughter

Full of life and love

Now in the midst of her own circle making.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Poem 2 of 30 by Christine Tracy


Two Words

In the quiet early of the day

Before the sun, while the birds are singing the trees awake;

I sit, puppy in lap; writing tool at hand

And wait for words to come.

Words of life; of love; of encouragement;

Of sadness; grief; and prayer.

Words forming like sculptures in my heart;

Yearning to live, to be released.

To be sent and received;

To bring healing and love.

Today, those words are:



Words for me.

Perhaps for you?

Good words.

"Live by" words.

Reminding words.

To be, to give, to conquer, to love.

Words that challenge,

But words that do not demand perfection.

Calling me to simply "be."

Words that are enough.

And good.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Poem 1 of 30 by Christine Tracy

In the Quiet of the Hard

In the quiet places of the hard things

Are seeds of future gifts.

Good God gifts.

Gifts for you; for others.

Untie the ribbon of grief.

Open the wrapping paper of fear.

Look deep into the box of loss.

Now take hold of the promise.

Breathe in the glimmer of hope.

Notice the strategic seeds of serendipity.

Witness the new sprout, the growth, and the flower.

And remember the hard soil

that brought forth new life; new joy.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Coincidences: Is God Trying to Tell Us Something?

So do you think God doesn't speak to you? Perhaps you need to be aware of how He can speak. Today, I did the old "close-your-eyes-and-open-your-Bible-and-point" method.  It was exactly the encouragement I needed. You see, I'm getting older and wondering how effective anything I do ever is. Right after that thought went through my mind is when I pointed to this:

They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming "The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in Him." (Psalm 92:14-15)

Coincidence, you say? I don't believe in coincidences anymore, except to define them as God revealing Himself in our circumstances.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Who Can I Help Today?

The other day I was unpacking boxes and found a bunch of old journals. While there were delightful memories of cute things my children said; adventures we shared; and wonderful prayers I penned; there were also some dark passages. My journals served as a wilderness therapist on my mountain in Colorado. I brought to them my uncertainties, my griefs, and my dark thoughts, along with my ideas, dreams, and goals. 

The tapestries of our lives are made up of good and bad; light and dark; rough and smooth; aren't they? 

My journals exposed some new truths to me, and reminded me of prayers that were never answered, highlighted by many cries to my God: "Will you please help me?"

I have heard it said God doesn't hide His promises and gifts from us; but He hides them for us to search out and find. So this week God gently, through my imagination, told me that I had been asking the wrong question. Instead of the "help me" prayer, I should try asking "Who can we help today?" In so doing, he showed me, I would find the answer to my first prayer, because as He helps others through me - He opens up my own spirit and soul to receive so much more "help" from Him. The flow is like a living stream that brings color and light and refreshing to not only my own soul - but to that of the person He shows me to bless.

My book, "Tapestry, The Divine Design for Your Life," is available for print and Kindle:

Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Lone Voice in the Wilderness

You know the question people ask about "When a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Sometimes I wonder that about my writing...and the media...especially right now. 

If there is no one around to read or there really a message? Or if only the people that agree with you are your readers or you really make a difference?

One human did make a difference way back when. A wilderness wind carried a message from a strange soul to a scared and hungry people. A prophecy was fulfilled. People were strengthened. A King was revealed. A difference was certainly made.

Isaiah 40:3 -  The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God."

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Holes in My Heart

I've had several holes in my heart. They appear when loved ones pass; when my children have been hurt; when I feel fear, or lose a sense of what I was created for. 

Holes have been repaired, filled, and stitched back together when there has been resolution, joy, peace, and solutions...when time has passed and healing has prevailed.

Today, even with the tumultuous year we have all had, I don't feel any holes or any stitches torn. It may be because I keep tuning into and praying for the truth of my being so that I can walk in that truth. I'm not there yet, but my focus is in the right place. I'm so thankful for the One who brings healing and strength; purpose and solitude; grace and forgiveness; purpose and identity.

I am not flailing in the abyss of virus or politics. But I do see the need for extra peace right now that can only come from the presence of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. 

The enemy would have us believe his lies and deception as we revel in controversy so that we become ineffective to fix what is broken. I don't want to go there. I want to rise above and stay connected heart to beating heart to the One - the only one - that is able to overcome.

I love you, my readers. I pray you, too, have a whole heart - free of confusion. I pray you are able to repel deception, walk in love and kindness, and trust in your Father in Heaven. I pray you are able to overcome and see clearly as I pray the same for myself.

Find my book, "Tapestry - The Divine Design for Your Life,"on Amazon: