Saturday, November 5, 2022

Don't Lose Heart

Recently, we were so disappointed we were unable to attend some events that would have been SO good for us. One was in the Smoky Mountains. Another in Redding, California. Have you ever felt like you're missing out? Like you were left behind? 

Yeah. I know it. But, I've lived long enough now to realize when there is something we had to say "no" to, there is always something better coming. There is always a blessing in the missing. Honestly. Life works that way. You think the world is coming to an end. And then it isn't. Life takes a turn; a new adventure; a new dream. It gets better and you get to cherish a special moment you wouldn't have had had you not missed out on what you thought was so important.

If you're in a painful place right now, I understand. But don't lose heart. Your joyful blessing and adventure is ahead. are not alone in today's pain. 

I found this from one of my favorite songwriters and musicians. Take a listen.

Every life contains its sorrows and pains
Its stormy weather and its rough terrains
You watch me wrestle with my length of chain
And smile so bravely as you tell me
Don't lose heart.... 
Dan Fogelberg

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Friday, November 4, 2022

Something Stirring

There's something stirring. Something rising.

I'm recalling the joy of working with my hands; the places it takes my mind; and the pleasure of new projects.

I've been knitting a hat, journaling with a pen, planning to sew, and to pick up my guitar. I'm toying with ideas to make my home shout "Welcome." My husband and I are fancying fun ways to celebrate.

Thoughts are invading. Will I bake sourdough bread again? How can I add snow to my Texas Christmas decorations? Will I discover a joyful way to birth the book that's been simmering in me for far too long?

The loveliness of this little Texas city is inspiring, and I have found joy today talking to an elderly neighbor; meeting a new young friend; and wondering if there are others who might be looking to connect with someone like me.

It's one of those wake-up days that sing my heart open, and I feel grateful.

Thank you for reading my blog and please subscribe! For more of my writing, check out my books on Amazon.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Mountain Girl

Many of my friends know I've been homesick for Colorado. I wasn't born there. But from the first moment I experienced the Rocky Mountains up close and personal, my heart found its home. Have you ever felt like that?

Now I live in Texas and what makes it beautiful to me is my precious family. But recently, as I was praying for God to take away this yearning for snow, golden aspen leaves, old friends, and crisp mountain air - I sensed him saying "no."

I realized He put that in me. This special love. This passion. I believe I have permission to still call Colorado home. And so I will.

"You fill up my senses, like a night in the forest; like the mountains in Springtime; like a walk in the rain...." - John Denver (Our wedding song, Annie's Song.)

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

More Grace

We are all imperfect people raised by imperfect people who were raised by imperfect people. That’s why God created, offered, and sent grace. I want to learn more fully how to both extend it and receive it. I am thankful to those who extend it toward me.

"Learn to live inside the grace of one day." - Paul Young, author of The Shack

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Planting Seeds in Late Fall

My friend, Dianne, posted this picture on Facebook the other day and it really moved me. Being a Colorado mountain girl, I'm used to growing season being long over by October. Dianne explained they planted the seeds in mid-August and had loads of blooms right now. This photo was taken Oct. 15. I love gardening and I've had some beautiful gardens, but I've never even thought about planting seeds in August. Now that I live in Texas, I need to enlarge my thinking.

So, I just planted a few sunflower seeds I had left over from Spring. Could I even hope they might bloom in mid-December?

My life is like that, in a way. I think I can't possibly start or learn something new (plant seeds) at this late season of life. It's too late to find success. Too late to be better. Too late to get more healthy and fit. But if this brave sunflower can bloom in October, I can too. I can dream new dreams; make 3 year and 30 year goals for my life; and feel free and as beautiful as this butterfly - also in its final season.

So can you, my friend.

Here's an interesting article about butterflies, as well as my favorite Bible verse right now. Photo credits to Dianne Fowler

Psalms 92:14 - They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green. (NIV)

Read my book!

Friday, August 26, 2022

Flower Power

In spite of the extreme heat in Texas, my garden has chosen to live, be happy, and to bloom as long as I water it every day and feed it once in awhile. In a world where there's lots to worry about, I love to take time to learn from my flowers.

They make me think about life's goodness.

They make me want to bloom and to have a happy heart.

They make me want to believe the best about my life and my world.

They give me hope.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 - Let joy be your continual feast.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

When God Says "Rest"

Has God ever asked you to begin a season of rest? I felt Him nudging me that way this past Spring. I had been busy with editing, coaching, and ministry for several months without much time for me; or Him. 

That rest time opened up in June and has not ended yet. I find myself sometimes feeling lazy, as if that's wrong. Several times I returned to my old habit of filling up space with busy work; or planning to teach classes; or planning a new book.

Each time, God sent me clear messages through the Bible, through my husband, through friends, and dreams. He was saying "What are you doing? Do you not trust me to provide? Do you not trust me to give you your next assignment? It shook me up a bit every time that happened. He has my attention.

The season ahead seems to be brand new. A blank slate. I'm resting up for what I have said "yes" to, though I don't know what that is.

I do know I can trust it's going to be in line with the passions of my heart. He's so good!

That picture above is my Daisy girl. She models rest very well. 

Psalm 127:2 - God can provide for his lovers even while they sleep! (TPT)

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Get Out and Find Your Victoria

Me, Victoria, and PJ
Right now I'm at Starbucks in Brownwood, Texas, sipping a latté and eating a rice krispy bar in memory of Victoria. 
She was such an unusual friend. Older and wiser; very British; and full of youthful life at 80 years old. She considered me her mentor. But it was really the other way around. We so loved our meetings full of encouragement, strategizing, and idea generating. We were both writers and businesswomen, and always talked of new dreams. We helped each other set and meet goals. Together we were like a happy explosion of inspiration. I was going to help her write her story and she was helping me learn how to shoot and edit videos for my You Tube channel.

When Rick and I moved to Texas from Denver, Victoria and I continued to meet by Zoom along with another friend; PJ. We all laughed as we navigated this new technology, and continued to encourage one another in even more new dreams.

One day, Victoria just didn't show up.

I miss my friend so much. She truly loved me and deposited something so special in me. We hear a lot about finding coaches and mentors to help us along in our life. I'm thankful I found Victoria, and I just want to tell you there is someone like her out there for you, too, if you look, stay aware, and say "yes" to opportunities. I pray I am that kind of friend to someone.

To Victoria, thank you. I'm now smack dab in the middle of living all that we had planned and dreamed together. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Poem #31 by Christine Tracy - Silence of a Mommy's Love

The divine silence

Of a baby sleeping

Of a quiet cuddle

Of a moment in prayer

For the little one

Who by it’s very life

And first cry

First finger squeeze

And first smile

Multiplies your love

Grounds your being

And changes a mother’s life


Saturday, April 30, 2022

A Precious Gift of Reminding

I received a call from my friend, Debbie, on my 70th birthday. We have been friends for 65 years. She was my friend who lived across the street. The one I loved to play with. We were best friends and you could say we literally grew up together. We’ve laughed many laughs and cried many tears together. We don’t talk much these days. We live far apart. But we easily always pick up where we left off.

She told me she had planned to write this to me, but felt compelled to call instead. She started by saying “When Liz and Ceci (other best friends) and I get together and you come up in conversation, we mimic you.” I thought – this is not going to go well. I couldn’t imagine why they would mimic me. But then she went on – in a high-pitched fun voice: “Let’s go do this; let’s go do that; what if we went there; what if we tried this?” She went on to remind me of who I was in high school; a friend who was brave; who tried new things; who believed anything was possible; and who they all loved because of those things. She said they agreed I’m still that person.

I don’t remember myself that way. What I remember is being shy and awkward; not very popular; one who didn’t really know where she belonged but tried everything; one who loved sports but was clumsy; one who was sick a lot.
I loved what Debbie told me. What a birthday gift.
We all need to be reminded of who we are, don’t we?

Sunday, April 3, 2022

How to Not Get Old

My husband has called me "old woman" since I was 40. He also calls himself "old man". He thinks it's so funny. Many years later, I still answer, "I'm not old!!!!" I only notice the age when I stiffly get out of bed in the morning and look in the bathroom mirror.

Yesterday, I was with a group of friends my age. We all agreed we had never thought of being old until recently.

Something was trying to force its way into our minds telling us we are old; soon to die; and other morbid things.

I'm calling this out, standing in the gap for all of us. The lies of aging have no power over us, our minds, and our bodies.

So, my friends, if this sounds like you, stop the anxious fear! Think young, do what you can to stay healthy, and stop dwelling on something you can't control.There are people who need our love, experience, and time. We need to put our hands to something, and as my cowgirl friend, Ginger Greene, says, we have to "get about it!"

Let this part of our lives be the most prosperous, creative, rewarding, and fun in every way.

I'm going for the fresh and green promise in the verse below! Join me?

Psalm 92:14 - They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Poem #31 by Christine Tracy

You Weren't Ashamed

When days seemed bleak

and dark clouds hovered

and hope waned

and I felt lost and alone; a failure; forgotten

You were never disappointed in me

Never surprised, ashamed, or reprimanding.

Your hand touched mine. You said “I’m here

“I will bring you through to something better.”

And you did.

I'm stronger now; full of hope

Thankful for life and love; work and dreams

I walk in a new awareness

Of you; your voice; your strength in me.

Walk with me now on

 the path you lit just for me.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Become the Writer You Wanna Be! - Theresa Dedmon of Create Academy Interviews Me!!!!

Who else loves Theresa Dedmon of Bethel Church (BSSM) and the Create Academy international online school for creatives? Theresa wanted to interview me for her Create Talks. What a fun interview. I love what she is doing to advance the creative arts to bring healing and love to the world. Find out more about my author coaching as well as Theresa's amazing ministry when you click on the zoom link here and watch our interview. If God is compelling you to tell your unique story that can help others, 2022 is the year!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

#30 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

The Unseen Gifts

Fresh breezes

Kind thoughts

Sweet fragrance







A child's trust

These unseen gifts

That bring delight

Bestowing favor

And life's abundance

Make me

Grateful beyond words.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

#29 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy

Miracles Coming

I've seen people healed

Witnessed minds set free

Sickness flee

Death defeated

And love prevail

The beauty of creation

Coincidences divinely intentioned

Relationships restored

Pain turned into joy

Grief into gratefulness

Sorrow into celebration

Fear into freedom

Crises into second chances

Failure into success

Loneliness into family

Loss into gain

Falling into flying

Passion creating purpose

Isolation surrendering to embrace

New birth

In every season

Just watch

This time of darkness

Will be invaded by the

Light of hope and the

Brilliance of truth

Your miracle

Is on its way.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

#28 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


Joy Like Birdsong

Just as the call of the birds

Signals the dawn, the buds, the blooms.

And heralds Spring, and heavy rain.

So my heart is calling.

Calling for new things

New thoughts

New beginnings

Fresh revelation

Of hope

Peace and wisdom.

I tell my heart

Raise a cheer!

For life.

For love.

For the serenity of a smile

A glance, and a sigh

Of joy. True joy that heals.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

#27 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


My Happy Place

When I think of places that make me happy,

I think of sunshine; water; and mountains.

Beaches, evergreen trails, and fishing.

Lake Michigan, the Texas Gulf Coast, and rocky waterfalls.

The smell of salt air, mountain sage, and pine forests;

Wild roses, Autumn aspen, and horses.

The sounds of laughter and hilarity

Ocean waves, a campfire, and rain.

These are all in my heart; forever memories.

Happy places with happy humans whom I love;

And happy furries who have loved me.

I can honestly say

Wherever I am

I'm in my happy place.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

#26 of 30 Poems by Christine Tracy


It is Good

When you can look at your art

Your song, your poem,

Your story, your invention,

Your painting, your decorating,

Your business idea, your sewing

Your creativity of some "thing"

And admire it

And honestly say

"It is good!"

You are participating in

the continuing joy and celebration

of the Creator of the Universe

And you now know you have been

Gifted something beautiful

That becomes a gift to others.

It is good.

So are you!

And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:12)