Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Sometimes dreams change. Sometimes you realize you have already reached your dreams and didn't know it. You've been there. Done that. The dream isn't so big anymore. Your passion evolves. You realize it's not about how many you reach. It's more about the being than the reaching. Because when we "be" - that gets noticed when we're not really watching. And that's when you'll reach the most.

I used to want to speak to large crowds; write bestselling books; somehow be famous and in the fame make a difference in the world. I spent time being mentored by people in that realm. Reading all the books. Paying for coaching. Taking classes. Doing some stuff. I really just to quietly sit by my husband. Talk to my family. Walk in the forest with my dog. Listen for the still voice of my Father in Heaven. I'm living that right now and it's the best place I've ever been.

You might love my book, Tapestry - The Divine Design for Your Life. (NOT a New York Times bestseller. Available here:

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