Do you ever beg and plead with God for help, feeling sorry for yourself and wondering why He won't answer? I didn't know how desperate I was getting until recently a horse named Grace corrected me and set me on a new course of partnering with God instead of begging. I now understand how God wants to
join us in a journey toward answering our prayers.
It's not always about Him giving to me (although He does this too), but also about Him teaching me to trust and work with Him. Once I started changing the way I think about this - healing came astonishingly fast. I'm talking healing of something I have suffered with since a baby.
Oh my. I'm just sharing because I'm hoping this might help someone else out there.
If we're not getting answers - perhaps we need to change the questions.
Could this help with other things I have prayed a long time for? What if He is waiting for us to trust Him, to let him take our hand, and to let Him step
with us into the answers.
Yes - I got all this wisdom through His grace toward me...and a sweet Rocky Mountain Horse named Grace.
John 1:16 - And now out of his fullness we are fulfilled! And from him we receive grace heaped upon more grace!
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