Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

In these times...

I could feel hopeless. I could feel depressed. I could be angry. I could blame.

But I can't go there. Some might say I don't care. But...the truth is I care too much. It would be too easy for me to climb into a hole of despair and get stuck.

So...I get up every morning, sip my coffee, check my messages, read, water my garden, walk my dog, greet people, connect with friends, bake a little, work, write, take photos, and I give myself an assignment to look for the good.

I may not be able to control what's happening in my world, but I can control how I respond to it. 

That said - I am believing with all hope and trust that we are going to be OK as a people and a nation. Today we celebrate a day in history when suddenly everything changed. 

Happy Easter everyone. The Lord is Risen and He is indeed good!

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