Friday, April 3, 2020

What Voices Are We Listening To?

How many of us are spending time listening to the good voices on social media much more than the foreboding ones? I, for one! I am loving the good home-brewed music; so many good prophecies; so many excellent classes and conferences; and countless stories of humans doing good and being kind.

We are all playing, slowing down, breaking out the paints, enjoying our music, gathering around the table, and yes - finding time to be silly - like Mesa, and her brother, Cord, who put on an elaborate coronation ceremony for our Aussie-doodle, "Queen" Daisy. Now that's creativity!

Hang in there everyone...and listen to the "good" out there. If you look for it, you'll find it.

Proverbs 17:22 - A cheerful heart is good medicine.

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