Wednesday, March 22, 2023

We Have Powers

I used to design résumés for people. I'd start by interviewing them and getting a sense for what their passions are and what their character is. Then we'd go over their experience and education. I'd try to find out what kind of job they were looking for and the qualities they might bring to the job. I'd ask them to tell me about their life when they're not on the job. What do they love? Then I'd develop a résumé that highlighted all their attributes. Often they would be surprised and a bit uncomfortable at how great they sounded on paper. 

We have all been taught to dismiss ourselves; to not brag or pump ourselves up. We call it humility. This has caused us to not even be aware of the powers we carry. We need friends to pull those powers out and show them to us. For example, my friend Cindy has a brilliant business mind; wants to help people find success; and is so generous. She does not see these things in herself - they are just a natural part of who she is that we all benefit from. Another friend, Vanessa, is compassionate, ultra-creative, and a wise comfort to her friends. She, too, thinks she's not that different from others, but she is.

We need to start calling out each other's powers. When someone tells us what they see in us, we need to believe it; receive it in our hearts; then release it to others in humble confidence that we really have that ability to change someone's life.

Today, treat yourself and ask a trusted friend what they see in you.

For more about my writing life, connect with me on my website at

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