Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What's Good About 2020?

I've always been one who tries to see the good in situations that appear not-so-good. I do this because I feel like all things can be redeemed, restored, and renewed.

So what do I see in 2020?

I see an amazing passion among people to stand up for what they believe.

I see people sincerely looking for truth and honesty.

I see a new breed of people that see value and promise in personal experience in business and life.

I see people earnestly seeking to step into their calling and equipping themselves through so much available right now online.

I see a beautiful country that is beloved by its citizens who are ready to fight for it.

I see people taking a stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - even if it means they are having to change and overrule the dogma that has deceived them.

I see a fierce and beautiful independence, coupled with compassion, love, and sacrifice.

I see children becoming aware there is so much to our freedom.

I see the people of God - the bride of Christ - armed with prayer, worship, and hope as they navigate the current climate.

I see the Church stepping out of the walls and into the streets of life - 24 / 7 - and understanding and exercising the power of love and kindness.

If you don't see this yet, start watching for it. It is an amazing time to be alive.

With love (and kindness) to all.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Hunger vs. Satisfaction

Every morning, my husband, Rick, and I have coffee, read, and converse about what we're learning. We study in our little reading nook while cuddling with our aussie-doodle Daisy, just enjoying the early hours. I love these times. Anne of Green Gables calls mornings "a new day with no mistakes in it."                                 I want to talk about this hunger we have to learn. We weren't always like this. Before, we wanted satisfaction; contentment; and peace. But this kind of hunger we have is for a God who has built that hunger into us himself. It seeks truth, creativity, hope, and adventure. There are no negatives in this type of hunger. This is not striving for something unreachable. It is not the hunger of poverty. What it is is a reveling in the presence of a Person we love - and we just always want more.

Psalm 84:2 - "Deep within me are these lovesick longings,

desires and daydreams of living in union with you.
When I’m near you my heart and my soul
will sing and worship with my joyful songs of you,
my true source and spring of life!"

Ecclesiastes 3:11 - "He has also set eternity in the human heart."

Stir up your own hunger for God! My book, "Tapestry, the Divine Design for Your Life" will help you. Available on Amazon in print and Kindle.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Life doesn't wait till pandemics are over, the election is decided, or the crisis of the moment is solved. It just keeps going. The good thing about this season is, I have slowed enough to feel the wind of progress blowing softy against my face. I am taking the time to seek wisdom, counsel, and to make good decisions. There is a clarity in the atmosphere despite the smoke and fear and anxiety that seems to be trying to take us out at any moment.

I keep hearing the words "think higher." "Think outside the box." "See from the perspective of the Throne Room of God." "Say yes and see what happens." "New opportunities are here." "Step in, step forward, trust God."

When I turn off the news and tune into God, I hear a different story. It may not be clear. He hasn't shown me what's ahead. But there is an assurance of promises kept because that is who He is! He has great things ahead for this nation if we will only watch for Him in anticipation and trust.

This is an exciting time if we position our hearts to see it.

"Keep looking up...that's the secret of life." Snoopy

Chris Tracy is author of Tapestry: The Divine Design for Your Life; and The Art of Writing - An Intimate Devotional for Writers.
Find my books and more at and Amazon

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Jumping the Gun

Did you ever make a decision on what you thought you heard from God, only to find resistance or even failure? Did you ever get ahead of God's purposes and then take the wrong turn? I have. We all have. What does it mean to wait on God? Why is it important? How do we know if He is leading?

God promises to be with us always. He loves when we pray and when we listen to His voice. He speaks in many ways, sometimes through other people. Staying close, being patient, and waiting on Him seem best, yet sometimes, he's nudging and we're not noticing. Sometimes He speaks and we misinterpret.

More often than we'd like to admit, we take a risk and step out in the wrong direction. Does he honor that? Yes. He wastes nothing. Romans 8:28 reminds us that all things (ALL THINGS) work together for good. You may delay what He meant for today - but that doesn't mean you have the power to prevent it.

God delights in us and lights our path. He directs our steps. He is the divine strategist. We, his beloved children, cannot fail if He is in our plans.

God is proud of you. There is enough grace in each day to empower both your successes and to help you overcome your wrong turns.

Proverbs 16:9 - Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.

Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ancient Eyes and Birdsong Mornings

A dead tree pays honor to the beauty of a brilliant sunset;
A memory of love yields its capacity to the hope of new love;
The brokenness of age contrasts the perfection of a newborn’s cry;
The faded bloom is outperformed by the brightness of a new bud;
The cry of pain soon gives way to the joy of healing;
A fierce storm ushers in a birdsong morning;
Ancient eyes stare into the innocence of youth.
The world keeps turning.
Life regenerates.
The old is but a memory of what used to be.
Yet…the old, the storm, the brokenness, the pain - are still honored, cherished, found beautiful, in what they invite into the now. Selah.

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Blessing of Solitude

I actually slowed down enough the other morning to put down my phone, my Bible, my laptop, and my work. I turned off my brain, sat outside, and simply listened.

The multitude of bird songs felt like a cacophony of love.

When I tuned in to one special bird above me perched in a dead tree, I counted at least eight different trills.

That was what was so different this time. I actually quieted down enough to think about counting the trills of a mockingbird.

The peace and joy his songs carried assured me things would turn out okay for us...for all of us.

That bird had no idea how his presence blessed me and changed me - probably forever.

I want to be like that bird...where my "songs" of life can bring joy and peace to others.

God is so kind to send me a songbird to bless my solitude.

Psalm 104:12-13 - The birds build nests near the tranquil streams, chirping their joyous songs from the branches above. From your kindness you send the rain to water the mountains from the upper rooms of your palace. Your goodness brings forth fruit for all to enjoy. (TPT)

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Identity Check

About 18 months ago, I was gearing up to start the  planning of my next big event. We'd been putting on the Beautiful Smart Lady Summits in Colorado for seven years and I was excited for the next one.

But something didn't feel right.

When God asked me to take a break for the year and be still - I gasped. We had just moved to Texas, and He thought I needed rest and family for awhile. I was thankful to Him and trusting He knew best. But in the time that followed, I realized my identity had become attached to my ministry work. Here is where I felt validation. Here is where I felt important. Who was I apart from it?

Even when what I do is good, right, and helps can't become who I am. So, I've been auto-correcting during this sabbatical with Papa.

As a result of "time out," I've learned all about living inside the grace of one day; and listening for His voice and doing what He says. 

I don't always succeed in this. But I can say that because I took that time, I have drawn closer to the Lover of my soul.

My true sole and soul identity is simple: I'm His beloved daughter who is listening and fulfilling the ideas that come from His mind by using the gifts He's given me. He's in everything!


Matthew 28:20 - "I am with you always; even to the end of the age." 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

When All is Stripped Away

It was 2009 and our lives and dreams had imploded in economic disaster. We lost our business, our home; and we felt ashamed and lost. 

Holding hands, Rick and I paused at the top of our driveway, turned around, then looked at the sweet, quiet, beauty of the place we called home for 30 years. So much life lived. So many laughs, giggles, and big dreams fulfilled. Here, we had built a home and a family with our own hands and hearts.

We prayed for the next tenants; blessed the land and the neighborhood; and thanked God for the amazing gift of being able to raise our family here. And then...we moved on.

That was 11 years ago. Though times were frantic, tumultuous, and seemingly hopeless, we entered our new lives with cautious hope; leaning on a glistening promise of a better tomorrow. Looking back, I now know we had an uncanny faith to move mountains.

How did we do that? It wasn't under our own power. We were devastated and hurt to the bone. But we felt called. And then we felt sent. We left our home to sit at the feet of Jesus for two years where we were healed and set free.

When others saw failure, horror, and doom, we saw and witnessed the promise and presence of a Father that loves us most; who cares for us; who fights for us.

 Sometimes things need to be stripped away so we can see what's true and real.

Here's a classic from Matt Redmon to quiet your spirit and bless you day. You're welcome!

Friday, April 24, 2020

You Can Do It!

Do you ever fret and wait and procrastinate and finally, once you take the risk and try something new, you realize it wasn't hard at all? That just happened (again) to me!

I'm still learning by leaps and bounds. Today I learned to do a landing page in Mailchimp for one of my workshops. Who'da thunk?

I just determined to do it, and I did. I'm about to send it out and we'll see what happens.

Nonetheless - I want to encourage you to take that next step. Try that new thing. Learn that new skill. Dive into creativity in a new form. Imagine that new business and make a plan. Don't settle. Go big! You can do it, and these days, all of us have extra social distancing time, right?

I believe in you!

Love, Chris

James 1:5 - If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

If you'd like to get info about my upcoming online writing workshops, email me at

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Walking Like Captain Jack Sparrow

Do you ever walk around and feel like Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)? Last night, moving around my kitchen, I walked a little crooked, felt a little tipsy - just like Jack.

Sometimes the truth of what we experience isn't quite what we actually experience. What we feel must look strange to others - others don't even notice.

For example:

We're doing the right thing, but it feels wrong. We're following the rules, but they seem strange. We say "yes" when we're really needing to say "no." We worry when we ought to hope. We doubt when we should be in faith. We're busy when we should be at rest. We're working when we should be playing. We're sad when everything is happy around us.

Oh how I wish my reality would match my inside truth. I want to focus, to say out loud what I mean, to not stumble, to feel like I am doing perfectly and perfectly doing.

But that is not my reality. I'm just me. God made me this way. I stumble. I fall. I forget. I see things differently. And that's ok. If I have to be like somebody, Captain Jack isn't so bad.  #learningtoloveme.

Let Billy Joel sing to you, friend. Pretend your Papa is singing over you! He loves us just the way we are! You are OK and you will be OK! (click)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It's Time To Dust Off Those Words!

Have you ever had someone talk about the future of YOU? Who you'd become? Your destiny? The gold they saw in you? If so, you were the receiver of a beautiful gift God gives us to "see" each other differently than we sometimes see ourselves. We all love an encouraging word.

Instead of dismissing words that highlight your gifts; or diverting words to some other person you think is more worthy; why not dust those words off, read them aloud, say "yes" to them, and receive them into your very being - your body, soul, mind, emotions, and spirit?

This could be the time in history when your destiny words are fulfilled. A time when you step into your true identity.

In fact, I'll declare all of this for all of us: "The best is yet to come!"

Psalm 24:7 - So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through for you.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Reach Out!!!"

"Reach out!" the voice shouted and, startled, I woke up. I went to the kitchen where the clock on the stove read 3:33 a.m. I know from  past experience that this was a significant moment. God wanted to show me something.

His message was for me - in my insecurity as a person. This might be for you, too.

Are you someone who sometimes sings a different tune; marches to a different drum; dances to the off-beat; dreams a different dream? Me too.

I felt like God was telling us He loves who He has made us to be; and He's about to give us something huge to share with others in this time. We feel it. But sometimes it's crowded out by busy-ness or self doubt. 

This is why He shouted, "Reach out!" God is calling for us to reach for His hand and hold tight. He will bring us through as we keep stepping forward...and He will never let go.

I'm ready for the new adventure. Are you?

Isaiah 41:10 - Do not yield to fear, for I am always near.
Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God.
I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation.
I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand. (The Passion Translation)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Strategies for the Abundant Life

You know how Rick and I buy old, sad, unloved houses and make them into beautiful homes?

Well, I was thinking today about destiny.

I felt like God gave me a picture of our home remodeling process. He was showing me that just as we are able to create a lovely space to live in...we are also able to, with Him, create a life we love living in.

Joining our gifts and imagination with Holy Spirit will give us divine strategies and ideas for that abundant life we are promised in the Kingdom.

What life are you creating?

Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

In these times...

I could feel hopeless. I could feel depressed. I could be angry. I could blame.

But I can't go there. Some might say I don't care. But...the truth is I care too much. It would be too easy for me to climb into a hole of despair and get stuck.

So...I get up every morning, sip my coffee, check my messages, read, water my garden, walk my dog, greet people, connect with friends, bake a little, work, write, take photos, and I give myself an assignment to look for the good.

I may not be able to control what's happening in my world, but I can control how I respond to it. 

That said - I am believing with all hope and trust that we are going to be OK as a people and a nation. Today we celebrate a day in history when suddenly everything changed. 

Happy Easter everyone. The Lord is Risen and He is indeed good!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A 4 a.m. Conversation

In the middle of the night, I felt like the Lord was wanting to talk about fear, hate, and sickness.

So many right now are full of fear - for good reason.

So many right now are full of hatred - because they are full of fear.

God's question to me was "What are fear and hatred?"

Knowing He would give me the answer, I said "you know, God."

"Fear is dis-ease of spirit.

"Hatred is dis-ease of soul.

"Our humanity is body, soul, and spirit. Could two affect the one? Might dis-ease of soul and spirit invite dis-ease of body?"

I pondered...if the answer is yes, then, could joy, hope, and love generate physical wellness? And, if do we release that?

Nehemiah 8:10 Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Isaiah 60:1 - Arise and shine for your light has come.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Regarding the Headlines:

I'm a career journalist; a born and bred newspaper lover. I have been defending the media lately. The news outlets I watch and read, I believe, are indeed trying to present the facts. 

That said, I also know humans, and hence those in the media, tend to look at the negative; the crisis; expecting the worst. 

These sentiments seem to rise like invisible cream in every report these days. May I suggest that no one really can foresee how this will end? We must not put our faith in reports that stem from a reporter's or "expert's" own fears. I have heard it said that fear is faith in the wrong God. I have also heard it said that we empower the enemy when we believe his lies.

So how can we change how we respond? If we could just re-look at what is happening, could we begin to believe for headlines like these? I'm looking forward to them.

100 Percent Survival Rate!
49 Things the Government Did Right
The Victory our Leaders are Going After
5 Things the President Got Right
Communities Unite to Help Health Workers
The World Unites in the Battle
Defeating the Hidden Enemy
Virus is Losing the Battle
The Intelligence Behind the Victory
Successful Drugs and Vaccines Win the Day
Valiant Health Workers Band in Herculean Battle
and Win
92 Lives Saved Today
Thousands to Volunteer Help
Polls Show 98 percent are Unafraid
No More Fear
Here's to 2020 - The Year the World's Vision Corrected
People More Thankful, More Giving, Kinder, and Full of Joy
The Day We All Hugged Again
Doomsday Thwarted
Could God Really be Real?
Miraculous Departure of Virus Stuns Experts

Let's begin to declare and pray these headlines.

Thank you very much!

Love to all. Praying for every reader - for protection, provision, comfort, connection, healing, and that you would see God's mighty hand and presence in your life today.

Romans 4:17 - (paraphrase) - God calls things which are not as though they are. (We are made in His image. He is Creator. We are creative. He creates things with His Word. We can, too, by our declarations. What will you call into existence today?

Friday, April 3, 2020

What Voices Are We Listening To?

How many of us are spending time listening to the good voices on social media much more than the foreboding ones? I, for one! I am loving the good home-brewed music; so many good prophecies; so many excellent classes and conferences; and countless stories of humans doing good and being kind.

We are all playing, slowing down, breaking out the paints, enjoying our music, gathering around the table, and yes - finding time to be silly - like Mesa, and her brother, Cord, who put on an elaborate coronation ceremony for our Aussie-doodle, "Queen" Daisy. Now that's creativity!

Hang in there everyone...and listen to the "good" out there. If you look for it, you'll find it.

Proverbs 17:22 - A cheerful heart is good medicine.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Goodness of God in the Land of the Living

The Bible talks a lot about the enemy falling into his own trap.

Combined with Romans 8:28, I think that could be what we are witnessing now.

How could God use this evil of a global pandemic and turn it around for good? Well, at least at the moment, He has quite a captive audience. Many are asking Him "What are you doing? What are you saying?"

I propose we take time to ask Him every day, starting now, those two questions - and then listen for the answers.

One inkling of an answer I feel I'm getting is: there is interest and excitement for the new way of doing church. God is reaching into living rooms and offices in so many ways through social media.

Another inkling is I feel God is instilling something new into his human creation - a brain upgrade.

One more inkling is, He is teaching us to give ourselves permission to rest, to lay low, to spend un-rushed time with those closest to us.

Do you have an inkling of what God might be doing?

Psalm 27:13 - I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

When Things Seem Bleak, Look for the Promises!

In the time since the onset of the virus here in the U.S., life has taken on a new course. Right now, hugging is a no-no; grandkids are at our table doing schoolwork because their schools are closed down; and my birthday presents yesterday included several rolls of TP (presented with big bows and lots of laughter).

But I've also noticed creativity rising up and welcomely invading our internet space from people's home studios. I love the free concerts, online conferences, the paintings, the humor, and the strategic new ideas for business.

In a time where fear is being generated; when we're having to be wise and careful; when the headlines are getting worse by the day...I am doubly thankful for anything that can bring hope, love, encouragement, and promisees for a future that may be different, but will still be good.

Psalm 106:12 - Then they believed his promises, and sang his praise.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Look for the Beauty!

Flowers still bloom. The sun still rises and sets. Butterflies still abound. Birds are still cheerfully singing. The world is still beautiful.

If you look for the good, you'll find it.

Kindness is all around us.

Peace presently rules in our homes.

Love overcomes everything.

How will you release beauty today? 

"Take the carefree birds as your example. Do you ever see them worry? They don't grow their own food or put it in a storehouse for later. Yet God takes care of every one of them, feeding each of them from his love and goodness. Isn't your life more precious to God than a bird? Be carefree in the care of God!
Luke 12:24 - The Passion Translation

My website:

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Far Side of the Moon?

Do you feel like we're about to go around the dark side of the moon?

Remember when we used to send astronauts to orbit the moon? There was a time on the back side where we couldn't communicate with the ship. We had to wait hours before we knew the astronauts were safe; when they could again communicate with Mission Control.

That's how this pandemic seems right now. No one knows for sure what might happen.

Well, I'm going to break that sense of fear in my home and on my blog.

I declare by God's mighty hand of protection we will be alright - physically and economically - and as a people we'll be ready to rebuild and reconnect.

I declare this time in isolation is more about inspiration - for creativity; for strategic ideas; for improved relationships; for being thankful; and for appreciating what we have, realizing what is most important.

I declare this buffoon of a pandemic will quickly blow itself out and that history will show our fears were unwarranted. 

I pray and I declare we will be a nation of celebrators as we rejoice together that we missed a bullet and we learned a lot.

Does this sound crazy? Honestly, I would rather live in expectation of good than dread of bad. It's healthier. It works. Join me?

A word from Bethel Church senior leader Bill Johnson:

Monday, March 23, 2020

Remind Your Friends Who They Are

I woke in the middle of the night with the vision of a little boy who had fallen. His mama lovingly picked him up, dusted him off, set him back on his feet, and with a kiss and a pat, sent him on his way.

I feel this is a picture of what everyone needs today. We need to encourage one another, pick each other up, dust each other off, and send each other forward. How? We can do this with the power of our words. Let's call out the gold in each other; remind our friends of their dreams; help them remember who they are and the One they belong to; and speak life into their weary bones and minds.

Our words and encouragement shine like diamonds. Sometimes we can't see for ourselves who we really are. We need someone to tell us.

Perhaps part of our own identity is to be that one that helps another see theirs.

Isaiah 60:1 - Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned and Yahweh's glory now streams from you!

The glory of God is man (and woman) fully alive. St. Irenaeus

Love to all. I'm praying for every one of my readers wherever you are in the world. Let peace reign. You are healed in the mighty Name of Jesus. You are loved by the Love that created this world - the mighty One that will overcome. Just wait and see!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

My Prayer This Morning

Papa God...

I have trouble concentrating lately...trouble focusing on a much much to think about.

But this morning, I lift up my beautiful world to friends...into your embrace and powerful hands.

You are sovereign. We will follow your lead in great anticipation of your goodness.

Today and this season are but a blip in your great plan for us. We will not fear. We will hunker down in a loving home and we will hope. Yes hope.

In 2020, the best is still yet to come. And it will. May your healing touch be with those who are fearful, sick, and hopeless. Let us be a light that shines in this present darkness.

Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1 (NKJV)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

It's a Good Day in the USA!

We may not have vaccines against the virus...but we have great antidotes to the anxiety and fear!
• St. Patrick's party
• Painting with grandchildren
• Backyard baseball
• Listening to a song list of Alan Jackson, George Strait, Kenny Rogers, and John Denver.

Dancing, playing, laughing, and loving. It's a good day in the USA!
And...your song list. You're welcome!

Monday, March 16, 2020

A Global Reset?

You know how you have to sometimes unplug the internet or TV cable and wait five minutes before you plug it back in? This causes a reset and causes a system that has gone awry to magically return to proper working order.

Well, what if that's what is happening in our world today?


Could this be our collective chance to let our wise response to a virus result in a divine reset of who we are as a culture and people?

I propose we just accept the imposed quiet right now. Let's unplug, find peace, read, bake, and get re-aquainted with each other and with nature. Let's find God, talk to Him, listen to Him, and do what He says.

Let's enjoy the five minutes, five days, five weeks, even five months of the unplug in great and joyous anticipation of the coming new calibration and reset of our times, world, and life.

Fear not. Be cautious, be smart, be healthy, be loving...and just be.

Love to all during this very strange time of pandemic. We pray for the sick for complete healing and tell the virus to go back where it came from. Trust that God will keep you safe. 

Isaiah 40:5 - And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Prayer - Not Fear - Will Overcome!

When my brother and I were about ages three and five in the early 1950s, a polio epidemic struck terror in our mom, who would not let us go out in public. What really saddened me was our beloved Wisconsin beach was off limits to us due to the uncertainty and lack of knowledge of how the disease was spreading. People stayed home. In those days, there was no vaccine. We all knew people who became infected with the paralyzing disease. The fear in my mother's face and her strict actions to keep us safe are what I remember most about this enemy that was attacking mostly children. In later years, I would lose a good friend to polio in spite of the large strides in medicine that were made to treat and prevent it.

In this time, when we face a worldwide pandemic, we are wise to take precautions, wait it out, and be diligent as we learn more. We are also wise to not get caught up in frenzy and fear. Media is not the fear generator. It is our response to it that is causing unrest.

I would like to post portions of Psalm 91 that we can be praying over ourselves and our world right now. There is a light and power much greater than this present darkness. Prayer - not fear - will overcome.

When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai,
you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.
He's the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me,
the only God for me, and my great confidence.
He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy,
and he will protect you from false accusation
and the deadly curse.
His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you.
You can run under his covering of majesty and hide.
His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.
Don't fear a thing!
When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High,
our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm.
How then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us?

Psalm 91:1-4; 6; 9-10 (The Passion Translation)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Radiant Promises

Today is a good day to rise above; look at life from a new perspective; see yourself as the beloved of a good Father; and remember you are not alone. You were made for love; for a purpose; with passions and dreams and the ability to achieve them with your Creator. Don't lose hope. Keep believing. Be thankful in your circumstances. Find the good in every situation. Love to all!

The Lord alone is our radiant hope...His wrap-around presence will strengthen us. Psalm 33:20 - The Passion Translation.

Of Fuel Pumps, Spark Plugs, Glitches, and Grace

I can't figure it out. Either Colorado doesn't want to let us go back to Texas...or our truck really doesn't like Colorado. So...what to do when you're carless and have five days in one of your favorite cities? Here are 5 things.
1 - Learn to use the very cool apps called Uber and Uber Eats. (Thank you, Bess Tracy, for tutoring us.
2 - Watch all the episodes of Manifest you've missed while on vacation by using your phone's DirecTV app.
3 - Enjoy Blarney on Belmar - including amazing Irish bagpipe, stepdancing, and  Irish pub rock in the Belmar shopping neighborhood. Awesome.
4 - Try Vietnamese food. Yum.
5 - Spend downtime outside in the cool air and warm sun - talking, reading, and resting. Oh Colorado!
A few days ago, I read a Facebook meme from Brene Brown that read: "Assume others are doing the best they can." I love that - both for others and for ourselves. We are indeed doing the best we can. Lord, help me find the goodness, hope, and thankfulness in every situation.

- Even at the Ford service center.

"Live inside the grace of one day." - Wm. Paul Young

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

BSSM Adventures: What If We Prayed Over Our Babies?

BSSM Adventures: What If We Prayed Over Our Babies?: What if we prayed over our babies, making declarations like: “You are destined for greatness; you are smart; you are going to be the happ...

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Do You Have a Story to Tell? Let Me Help!

I'm so excited to announce my expanded business offerings that include an intensive one-on-one workshop to help writers organize their books.

The authors I work with have amazing life experiences - some of them difficult - some of them adventurous - and all tell a story of overcoming, showing readers how they, too, can gain victory in their lives.

Become the authority on your subject that God has asked you to become! You CAN write the book people have told you is inside you. This is a great way for leaders in business and / or ministry to kickstart the next level of your destiny! Check out my bio on the guide page and information on Awaken Workshops by clicking here on the new StoryWay website which went live today!

"Our Words Create Worlds"

 My man and I have had a tumultuous decade. We are so blessed by it, but it's not without its moments of stress, uncertainty, and doubt about the coming decade. They say that the enemy's battleground is the mind. If that's true - how do I do battle to overcome negative thoughts and anxiety; sleeplessness and worry; doubts and fears?

Declarations! Yes - just as God created the universe by His words, I, having been made in His image, can declare and create my life, my destiny, and my response to everything.

What a blessing found on a mirror
 in a school restroom.
So...a few declarations I wrote for today:
1 - Today is the best day...and the best of my life is yet to come!
2 - I see God's hand at work every moment  in my life and in the life of my family.
3 - I am thankful for all the blessings of health, strength, home, and dreams coming true.
4 - I am protected, provided for, and loved.
5 - I am a force to be reckoned with because I am not alone. I have the Creator of the Universe at my side and in me to do all that is in my heart to do.

What declarations would you add?

"Our words create worlds." Quoted by many, but the original source is unknown to me.

Check out my books - The Art of Writing; and Tapestry - both available on

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Happy Tune, Happy Story

Happy snowman,
Happy family!
I woke up this morning with a familiar old upbeat and happy-
sounding Beatles tune in my head. I had to look up the words for it, thinking the message must be from God to me today. I was shocked that the lyrics to this happy tune painted a sad, dark story.

Is this a reflection of my life today? Happy tune, sad story? Oh my gosh. No! That's not who God has made me to be. I am made for joy, for love, for praise, for life!

Lord, let my life be a reflection of Your happy song and joyful heart!

Getting real here. It is indeed the cry of my heart today. Happy tune...happy story. Period. 

Psalm 149:1 - Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! It's time to sing to God a brand-new song so all his holy people will hear how wonderful he is! (TPT)